Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Article 2 Response

The first story I watched and listened to was the Peanut Butter: Good Spread video ( At first it didn’t make a lot of sense with the original company the two guys used to work for which is called Mana. Mana was able to produce this product that they called “peanut butter on steroids”, and it could basically feed a person that is on their deathbed the right nutrition to save them. The two men ended up making their own product called Good spread and with each order of good spread a Mana peanut butter packet is sent to someone who needs it. I think this is pretty cool because you could possibly be saving someone’s life. It’s very unique because people don’t think twice when they pick up a jar of peanut butter, it’s basically a necessity to us. I hope that even though they didn’t win, that someday their product is sold in a grocery store to purchase.

The next video I watched was the Lamon Luther video ( I thought this was a really interesting way to help the homeless. Often you see people on the street that have a sign that says “Will work for food/money”. Brian Preston really took initiative and made this guys living in the woods DO something meaningful. I really loved the idea of them building, since they basically built their “homes” in the woods. It almost made me tear up when the one homeless guy they interviewed said he was able to move into a new house in one month after working. That’s a really awesome cause.

The final video that I enjoyed was the Sanitation Creation ( I always thought normal port-o-potties were nasty. This is a cleaner alternative of one. It’s very clever and there must have been a lot of thought put into this creation. The fact that the Sanitation creations are energy savers too makes it all the more green and germ friendly. The way that they dispose of the waste is very interesting, I’m not sure how that would work on an airplane or bus like the video suggested. Very green idea, and it sounds much cleaner.

I thought all of the videos sounded interesting and they honestly caught my attention. The peanut butter one was very intriguing, because how could peanut butter help me people? That’s my main question I asked when I watched most of these videos. How is this product helping myself or other people? Lamon Luther sounded like a name of a man, and I wondered what the actual story was behind that organization. I can be a germ freak so that’s why I enjoyed Sanitation Creation. The video would explain in detail of how the product worked and how it helped a certain cause. I found that all of them could have been winners to me, and I hope that their companies become more successful and well known over the coming years.

If I didn’t have to worry about money, I would definitely be traveling more. I’d love to travel the world as much as I can when I get older. I find it all very interesting. I’d also do more things for myself like reading, playing saxophone, working out and even trying hot yoga or meditating. I’d also try all the super expensive organic food that I never want to touch since it’s so pricy. I’d start buying things that were handmade products, and healthier versions of makeup, shampoo, conditioner, ect.
I’f honestly love to travel and teach other kids in foreign countries. I haven’t really ever thought of that before a couple of days ago, but I think that would be very fun and heartwarming. I’d love to teach kids in other countries that are struggling in common core subjects. I think that would have a major impact on my life, and I would view the world in a different sense. Maybe I’ll consider doing that someday. I’ve always been interested in missionaries too.

I would serve needy areas in different countries that are struggling with education. Maybe give them care packages like the OAK backpacks. I’d really just like to improve the living situations that some kids in other countries should never be in. I feel like kids in America have it easy, and we don’t see an actual “horrible life”. I’d really be inspired to do something like that someday. 

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